Disney's Winnie the Pooh: The New Musical Stage Adaptation 2023
"Especially Winnie [the Pooh] played by Harry Boyd who has the most beautiful sounding, instantly recognisable Winnie voice...he executes all his lines and the songs perfectly."
"Harry Boyd gives a trio of incredible performances as Eeyore, Rabbit and Owl - so much so that I didn't notice he was playing all three until I read it afterwards!"
"There's a bit of show-stealing by Harry Boyd as the delightfully morose Eeyore, appealing beautifully to the audience with big sad eyes..."
- Mary Pollard, Everything Theatre
"Harry Boyd is absolutely delightful in his portrayal of the slightly downtrodden and pessimistic Eeyore...And, if that wasnt enough - he turns in an equally expressive performance as wise old Owl, and Rabbit too! Not an easy feat."
- Daily Echo
"Harry Boyd switches superbly between Rabbit, Owl and as melancholic Eeyore..."
- Beyond the Curtain
"I was particularly struck by the vocal and physical challenge for Harry Boyd who performs triple-duty as Eeyore, Rabbit, and Owl. Boyd managed to make each character extremely distinctive and authentic to the originals."
- Pay Hayward, Overtures
The Play That Goes Wrong UK Tour 2022
"The director, who also doubles up as Inspector Carter...introduces the performance and he is undoubtedly very charismatic, a credit to Harry Boyd who did this role perfectly. A nice touch was when the inspector made the performance more personal to the Liverpool audience, and his improvisation skills were brilliant with quick and witty jokes in response to the audience's cheeky heckles."
- Laura Mutch,
"the family butler, Perkins who is Dennis Tyde (but really Harry Boyd - stepping in late for poorly Jonathan Sayer and performing absolutely brilliantly) tries to keep the peace..."
- Andy Bram, Theatre4Everyone
"the role of Dennis/Butler Perkins was performed perfectly by understudy Harry Boyd..."
- Stephen Oliver, North East Theatre Guide
"Harry Boyd is Dennis Tyde who plays Perkins (and was fabulous at this bungling butler)."
- InNewcastle
Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story 30th Anniversary National Tour 2019 - 2020
"The hilarious Harry Boyd was outstanding as Hipockets Duncan - he did a brilliant job of getting the audience fired up and narrating Buddy's story."
- Emily-Jane Clark, Northampton Chronicle & Echo
"As the DJ that gives Buddy his first break, Harry Boyd is an excellent Hipockets Duncan - also providing the audience with up-dates as he follows Buddy's musical progress. With just a change of jacket, Boyd becomes a sort of Everyman figure - convincing as Norman Petty, New York music mogul and MC at the Surf Ballroom."
- Roger Malone, Plymouth Herald
"Harry Boyd does a great job of playing multiple roles, all easily distinguishable as different, quite a feat."
- Beyond the Curtain
"I do want to give a special mention to Harry Boyd. Harry must win an award for the most characters played on stage and he was also narrating the show for us. What a talent."
- Jasmine Storm,
"Harry Boyd played various characters throughout his performance and basically narrated the story. His change between characters was amazing and he definitely carried the show creating a buzz with the audience."
- Alex and Charlotte Wiggins,
"Harry Boyd, meanwhile, turned in a bravura set of performances as various producers, managers and other industry figures crossing Buddy’s path."
- Sue In The Stalls
"Harry Boyd acts as the narrator of the piece, Hipockets Duncan, brilliantly assuming a variety of roles as he guides the audience through The Buddy Holly Story. Boyd’s roles include a Decca A&R man, a radio host and Buddy Holly’s producer, Norman Petty."
- Andy Howells, Entertainment South Wales
"Harry Boyd, who until this point has donned a variety of hats and switched accents to play a whole host of different music execs, now takes his place as trumpeter with the band. How the producers have managed to find so many multi-talented cast members over 30 years on the road is another phenomenon of this show."
- Carmel Thomason, Quays Life
"Harry Boyd played Hipockets Duncan who is the producer and radio show presenter which Buddy plays his live music on. He has multiple roles throughout the show and he was great at getting the crowd warmed up for the end of show Winter Dance Party, he is a natural comedian."
- Phoebe Straw,